Titânia is a RPG character, inspired by the rules of Dungeons and Dragons but based on an entirely different universe, Abisso. She is of the bard class, but her race is still a mystery, considering she walks around with her body completely covered and never takes her mask in front of other people. She carries a flute with her, the instrument through which she casts her magic. 
The stage is Titânia's natural habitat, as she loves drama and performance. A conversation is hardly just a conversation, always filling situations with spectacle. It's almost as if she's in an eternal play, transforming the serious and trivial into the comic and fanciful.
Therefore, it is also common for Titânia to always opt for the absurd side of things. She will often act in the most dramatic way imaginable about simple things. At this rate, she also has a habit of lying about less important things and making up different versions of the same facts, confusing others about who she really is or wants to be.
She can be serious when the situation calls for it, of course, but she generally maintains a relaxed demeanor even during tense situations, and always has an assertive response to anyone who crosses her. She doesn't mind bothering those who, in her perspective, are bad people, and even enjoys ridiculing and teasing her opponents.
Thus, she also keeps her kind side with her, wanting to bring joy and comfort to the audience that attends her shows. After all, if they are people living their lives and who haven't done anything bad to others, they deserve at least a spark of happiness in their day.
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