"The Mystery of Cherry Blossom" is a fantasy novel currently being written by myself. It tells the story of a young woman who, lost in past traumas, decides to discover the truth about her disappearance years ago. Knowing what really happened could completely change the course of her life, but her only clues are the enigmatic visions she has with a man unknown to everyone. What she doesn't know is that embarking on this journey will put her in events much bigger than herself.
In this project, I imagined the story of my book as an animated series, and developed the concept art for the two main characters: Sakura and Aster.
Sakura, the cherry blossom
Sakura is a japanese-brazilian woman in her early 20s dealing with the trauma of, literally, disappearing for years without being sure of what happened. Because of that, she has strong PTSD, depression, insomnia and trust issues. But she is extremely determined when she sets her sight on something, and has no problem acting in extreme ways if she believes the situation calls for it. Íris refers to the persona she assumed in the past to protect her true identity.
Aster, the starman
Aster’s name means star and, likewise, he acts as Sakura's guiding star, appearing in her sudden visions. He’s an adult male, with a tall and thin figure, long blond hair and mysterious heterochromatic eyes. He’s very enigmatic, being really hard to understand what he feels just by observing his actions. He has a rather fantastical energy about him, resembling a sorcerer or fortune teller. He always wears over the top clothing with lots of layers, accessories and a nice pair of heeled boots.